Experiment 2: Techniques for isolation of pure culture and Experiment 3: Cultural characteristics of microorganism

Assalamualaikum and hello... I would like share my third week of basic techniques of microbiology class with you !!!😊😊😊... In third week I got learned more about the culturing the samples compared to my second class which is I did my first experiment. First class we all got briefing about rules and safety in laboratory with Mr. Hussain and Mr. Zainuddin. In second class we did our first experiment. Our third class for basic techniques of microbiology quiet funny and I enjoyed when I am doing my experiment aspecially the streak-plate method. Each group have three members. But in my group only two of us which are Darmin and I. Some the samples we didn't get the result fully because we didn't cool the wire loop and needle when we flamed it. We should cooled the wire loop and needle at least 20 seconds. The streak-plate method are more interested but very challenging. While we doing the streak-plate method, we should be more focused. We actually got learned from our mistakes. We won't do the same mistake again. 👍👍👍👍👍 The aim of this experiments are to able to perform the streak-plate and the spread-plate inoculation procedure to separate the cells of a mixed culture so that discrete colonies can be isolated and able to prepare a stock culture of an organism using isolates from mixed cultures prepared on agar streak-plate and spread-plate. We also can able to determine the cultural characteristics of microorganisms as an aid in identifying and classifying organisms into taxonomic groups.

Experiment 2 : Techniques for Isolation of Pure Culture
Part A

   A pure culture theoretically contains a single bacterial species. A pure culture may be isolated by the use of special media with specific chemical or physical agents that allow the enrichment or selection of one of organism over another. Simpler methods for isolation of a pure culture include streak plating with a loop and spread plating on solid agar medium with a bent glass rod. The purpose  of spread plating and streak plating is to isolate individual bacterial cells on a nutrient medium. Both procedures which are streak-plate and spread-plate requires understanding of the aseptic techniques. The samples we used in this experiment is Serratia marcescens, Micrococcus luteus, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. At last we should inculcate all the plates in an inverted position for 48 to 72 hours at 25 degree Celsius.

Experiment 3: Cultural Characteristics of Microorganisms

   This experiment was conducted to show the ubiquity of microorganisms and study the different of characteristics of different colonies. The appearance of colonial growth on agar media can be very distinctive for individual species. Some microorganisms have characteristics growth patterns but they aid the indenfication of species only if they are distinctive. Cultural characteristics are determined by culturing microorganisms in nutrient broth and on nutrient agar plates and slants. The samples we used in this experiment is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus, Micrococcus luteus, and Escherichia coli. For the nutrient agar slants, we should make a single-line streak of each of the cultures provided with a sterile needle starting at the butt and drawing the needle up the center of the slanted agar surface. For the nutrient agar plates, we have to prepare a streak-plate inoculation of each of the cultures for the isolation of discrete colonies by using a sterile loop. For the broth cultures, we must have to inoculate each organism into a tube of nutrient broth by using a sterile loop and shake the loop a few times to dislodge the inoculum. For the gelatin, we should prepare a stab inoculation of each of the cultures provided by using a sterile needle. At last we have to incubate all the cultures at 37 degree Celsius for 24 to 48 hours.

Experiment 2: Techniques for Isolation of Pure Cultural
Part B

After all the cells are being colonized, we have to transfer it to agar nutrient slant. We have to use the aseptic techniques like as usual. And we should incubate it. The result of part B for experiment 2, we will know next week at basic techniques of microbiology class... just wait and see.... thank you !!! 😊😊😊

nutrient gelatin

nutrient broth cultures

nutrient agar plate


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