
Announcement !!!

    Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.... hw r u ? I hope you all fine as well. Now onwards, I like to  post about basic techniques of microbiology class in my another blog which is microbiology. Because I don't want separate about microbiology and basic technique of microbiology that actually are related topics. So, if you want to read my post, you can read it under my microbiology blog. This is the URL for microbiology blog

Experiment 6: Preparation of bacterial smear, Experiment 7: Simple staining and Experiment 8: Negative staining

      Assalamualaikum and every good evening to everyone that read my post... The experiment I did in this week which is sixth week of basic technique of microbiology have three experiment. First is preparation of bacterial smears, next is simple staining and the last one is negative staining. Bacterial smears must be prepared prior to the execution of any of the staining technique. Bacterial cells are usually colorless because cytoplasm, for the most part, is transparent. Since the bacteria are colorless, it is almost essential to add a stain to make the bacteria more visible. Once stained, cell morphology can be observed. In simple staining, the bacterial smear is stained with a single reagent, which produces a distinctive contrast between the organism and its background. In negative staining requires the use of an acidic stain such as India ink or nigrosin. The acidic stain, with its negatively charged chromogen, will not penetrate the cells because of the negative charge on the sur

Experimet A : The microscopic measurement of microorganisms

     Assalamualaikum and a very good morning everyone.... The experiment I did in this week (fifth week) is about the how we measure the microorganisms. Because microorganisms are too tiny and we cant see in our naked eyes. As usual Dr. Adelene taught us how to measure. But majority in my class were not understand what Dr. Adelene said including myself 😂😂😂 . Later on, our demostrated also taught again what Dr.Adelene said. The demostrated came to every group and taught and shown us how to measure it. Encik. Zainudddin also gave some demo. Firstly, I opened the ocular (eyepiece lens) and put the ocular micrometer inside the ocular lens. Then, I was placed the stage micrometer on the stage and adjusted the coarse-adjustment knob until I got found the two scales. Next, I superimposed on the each other of the scales and calibrated it. This week experiment was simple and will be more focused. I got learned something new in this week how to measure the microorganisms. Because when I'm

experiment 4: Microscopic examination of stained cell preparation and experiment 5: Microscopic examination of living microorganisms using a Hanging-Drop Preparation or a Wet Mount

 Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone..... how are you guys?.😃😃😃.. so now Im going to share with you about my experience when I did my forth anf fifth experiment which are forth experiment about Microscopic examination of stained cell preparations and fifth experiment about Microscopic examination of living microorganisms using a Hanging-drop preparation or a Wet mount. First and foremost, after I was entered to the class, DR Adelene taught about the parts of microscope, different types of microscopes, the function of each parts of microscopes.  DR also talked about the magnifications, resolving power or resolution and so on. The experiment that we did this week are more interesting than last week because we saw microorganisms under microscope.😁😁😁 Mr Hussain also taught us how to clean the objective lens, how to hold the microscope and gave some demo. For the fifth experiment, Mr Zainuddin was explained about the experiment and taught us how to do the experiment. For an exam

Experiment 2: Techniques for isolation of pure culture and Experiment 3: Cultural characteristics of microorganism

Assalamualaikum and hello... I would like share my third week of basic techniques of microbiology class with you !!!😊😊😊... In third week I got learned more about the culturing the samples compared to my second class which is I did my first experiment. First class we all got briefing about rules and safety in laboratory with Mr. Hussain and Mr. Zainuddin. In second class we did our first experiment. Our third class for basic techniques of microbiology quiet funny and I enjoyed when I am doing my experiment aspecially the streak-plate method. Each group have three members. But in my group only two of us which are Darmin and I. Some the samples we didn't get the result fully because we didn't cool the wire loop and needle when we flamed it. We should cooled the wire loop and needle at least 20 seconds. The streak-plate method are more interested but very challenging. While we doing the streak-plate method, we should be more focused. We actually got learned from our mistakes. We

Experiment 1: Culture Transfer Techniques

  First microbiology lab experiment class with DR. Adelene Song... Assalamualaikum.... For my first microbiology lab class with DR. Adelene Song was actually fun and interesting because I got learned some techniques how to transfer of microorganisms for subculturing, how to correctly sterilize inoculating instruments in the flame of in bunsen burner. MR.Hussain  was taught us the concept of aseptic technique and the procedures necessary for successful subculturing of microorganisms. DR.Adelene also taught us how to write a proper lab report and the laboratory skills. It is very helpful to us.  Experiment 1: Culture Transfer Techniques    Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular (single cell), multicellular (cell colony), or acellular(lacking cells). Microbiology encompasses numerous sub-disciplines including virology, mycology, parasitology, and bacteriology. The microbiologist separates these mixed populations into individual species for study